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Sea Otter Reintroduction Efforts on the Oregon Coast (2022 Update)
Sea otter reintroduction in Oregon: What are the next steps?
USFWS Panel Discussion: Sea Otter Reintroduction along Pacific West Coast
Restoring Sea Otters to Oregon
Sea Otter Awareness Week: The Road to Restoration in Oregon
Exploring Oregon’s Estuaries: Vital Ecosystems and Sea Otter Conservation Efforts
The Sea Otter Comeback (and Why It Matters)
Progress Report on Sea Otters Returning to Oregon
Ecological & Economic Importance of Sea Otters in Oregon
Wildlife Webinar: Conceptual Planning for Southern Sea Otter Reintroduction
A Plan to Reintroduce Sea Otters to Oregon
Humboldt Bay Symposium 2024: Consideration to Reintroduce Sea Otters to Northern California & Oregon